Residency at Casa de Lago, Mexico City
During my 2-week residency at Casa de Lago UNAM, I will realise my concert installation Quimera and present it in collaboration with Milo Tamez and Fernando Vigueras.
Quimera – Concert/Installation for 3 Aquariums & 3 Musicians
3 musicians perform with 3 Aquariums which turn into laboratories, sound objects and imaginary habitats. Kinship, mixtures and transformations of soundscapes beyond the binarity of animal and human, human and object, nature and technology.
Fernando Vigueras: self invented instruments
Milo Tamez: percussion
Ute Wassermann: voice, bird whistles, objects
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt Berlin