In this programme, experimental vocalist Ute Wassermann presents mostly pieces specially composed for her, in which her voice is taken outside itself, is multiplied or masked, brings resonance-objects into vibration or is gradually submerged in a musical instrument. The compositions are expanded by means of a light-installation by Michael Vorfeld into a light- and voice-performance. Working with the ephemeral and immaterial character of light and sound, while also using the ability of both light and sound to capture a sense of space and to create a strong atmospheric effect, are essential elements of this project.
The compositions of diverse durations range from fully-notated scores to open-form compositions. Each composition redefines in a different way the threshold at which the voice makes contact with the outside world. The boundary between self and environment is differently redrawn each time, so that this boundary itself becomes an illusion, behind which an audibly more complex and indefinable reality lies concealed. Ute Wassermann (wearing as projection- and reflection-surface a light-coloured dress) and Michael Vorfeld embody each work as a distinctive voice-light-persona.
In each individual composition the performer and the space are illuminated by Michael Vorfeld in real time so that their appearance is constantly changing.
Using the most varied light-bulbs, slide-projections, fluorescent lights and a light box, various qualities of light are created, which decisively influence the visual image and perception of each composition.
Between the vocal performances Michael performs brief, silent, solo light-actions.
Commission by Salzburg Biennale for composition by Pia Palme: Patterns to punctuate song with darkness
In der Konzertperformance voiceXtensions erweitert, präpariert und maskiert Ute Wassermann ihre Stimme mit Resonanz- und Lautsprecherobjekten, Musikinstrumenten, Mundlautsprecher und Whammypedal. Die Vokalkünstlerin verwandelt sich in verschiedene Stimmfiguren, die live von Michael Vorfled mit Scheinwerfern, Glühbirnen, Neonröhren, Taschenlampen, Projektoren und anderen Lichtquellen illuminiert und lichtinszeniert werden. Zwischen den Stimmperformances führt Michael Vorfeld kurze, stille, atmosphärische Lichtaktionen aus. Der Aufführungsraum verwandelt sich in einen performativen Licht- und Klangraum.
Auftrag (Pia Palme) von Salzburg Biennale
- funded by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin, 2012 mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Initative Neue Musik, Berlin 2012
- funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, 2016 mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, 2016